About Me

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Hello , I'm madisson . I love mystery and suspense. I write poems, and love to read.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Hello fellow picos! As you know i have another famous account thts name is grandpa Mexican! Ok heres how you win:

1. COmment on here with your pico name writng a short paragraph why you want the dinner with me!

2. Leave A message on message baord that says "Pikle" at the St.Patty's Cafe

3. I will choose one lucky winner!!


  1. I would like to have dinner with u because i think your so cool! I wanna learn about you! I would like to have dinner also because I love going for dinners! LOL! My pico address is Atiyah787

  2. Hi granpa(: My pico name is ♥ ☺✿ Jadє ✿♥ ☺ . I'd liek to have a dinner with yooh because you seem really funny and nice :D ~P.S. I really liek yooh cafe :D~ And also I've never really been around any " famous " people like yooh(: If you pick me , it'll be really fun! :D ~Jade

  3. i want 2 have dinner with u because ur super funnyily awesome!! n i want 2 know more about u and y u made the account granpa mexican and im ur no. #1 fan n we will have a greaat time ik it!!!
    from ur biggest eva fan ☏ⓟⓔⓟⓢⓘ。ⓜⓐⓧ☏

  4. Hi
    I wanna have dinner with you because you fuck !!!' bitch
